Our Human Spirit – Another Life


Our Bible study on the human spirit is becoming more personal. We explore the following questions:

What is your understanding of how one becomes a Christian?
What does the Bible call the life of God – which He gives to us?
How can we receive this life?
Where does the Lord live?
Where is the Lord Jesus right now?

We invite you to dive right in as we think that you will really enjoy this Bible study titled: “Another Life”.

Download the full Bible Study in your preferred format:

Another Life – PDF

Another Life – PowerPoint Slides

Our Human Spirit – The Breath of Life


The human spirit is mysterious. Various people have characterized it in their own special way. What would you say about the human spirit?

Our first topic deals with where our human spirit comes from. By taking a close look at the creation of man in Genesis, we not only see the fact of where our spirit comes from, but we can see how God Himself is so closely related to the human spirit.

Then, before going too deep into our study of the human spirit, we recognize that the Bible makes a clear distinction between the human spirit and the soul.

Download the full Bible Study in your preferred format:

The Breath of Life –  PDF

The Breath of Life – PowerPoint Slides

Our Human Spirit

Our-Human-Spirit -Title

Welcome everybody to a new series on our human spirit. We wouldn’t capitalize the word spirit here because we are not talking about the Holy Spirit who is God Himself but rather that special invisible spiritual part that every human being possesses.

The human spirit is most important.  Zechariah 12:1 ranks the creation of the human spirit with the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him – Zechariah 12:1

The human spirit gives us a way to contact God and have fellowship with Him. With our human spirit we worship God, receive God, and serve God. A Christian is a person who has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Having such a beginning this one needs to know their human spirit and exercise it. The human spirit is also where the church life takes place. Everything in the Christian life and church life is only real in the human spirit.

Inspired by the book OUR HUMAN SPIRIT, published by Living Stream Ministry, we hope you join us in this most interactive and eye opening Bible study. You can join us live or catch up on your own with the published materials below.

Spring Get Involved Fair – Thursday January 13, 2022

2022 Spring Get Involved Fair - Zoom University of Utah Christians Club
Welcome back to school! 
Drop by and Meet us
Thursday January 13, 2022
 10AM – 2PM
Students who are not in the club are welcome to come talk with us.
Find out:
What Activities we have planned for this semester
What have current members experienced while being part of the club
How to find motivation for our Campus Life
What is true love
What does the Bible say about the meaning of human life