In the middle of this heated election season, what we desperately need is to see the ascended Christ. Therefore, this week, we come to another item of the common faith – Christ’s ascension.
Let us have a quick review of what we have discussed in the previous bible studies since the beginning of this semester. We talked about…
- The Bible – It is the complete divine revelation inspired by God, word-by-word through the Holy Spirit.
- The Triune God – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are three in one.
- Christ’s incarnation – The son of God, even the God Himself, becoming a man.
- Christ’s crucifixion – Christ died for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption.
- Christ’s resurrection – Christ resurrected from among the dead.
We want to see Christ’s ascension in two parts.
1) We’ll answer the question: What does it mean that He ascended?
2) Then, we’ll explore how in His ascension He was inaugurated into a number of great offices.
What does all this mean? Don’t worry, we’ll take a careful look at these two parts and at what these great offices are, step by step.
The Common Faith – Item 6 – PowerPoint
The Common Faith – Item 6 – PDF
The Common Faith – Item 6 – MP3