The Jubilee – Christ Being Our Satisfaction

Christians-on-campus-at-the-university-of-utah-Jubilee-Bible-Study-Christ-SatisfactionNot only do we know that Christ is the reality of the Jubilee; we are also learning to apply this wonderful one in every situation!

As the Jubilee, Christ truly satisfies us when we…

  • Contact Him in prayer
  • Call upon His name
  • Sing to Him

Philippians 4:6-7 also stood out to us during the Bible study:

In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; And the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus

Read all the verses we prepared for this Bible Study: The Jubilee 02



The Jubilee – Christ as the year of Jubilee


It was another wonderful Bible Study. We spent half the time singing with grace to the Lord! You know, by singing, we can enjoy God and also get filled up with truth! The other half of the time we got into the Jubilee mentioned in Leviticus. We saw that the year of Jubilee is actually Christ Himself! Furthermore, the word Jubilee means… Happy – Year !!!

Read all the verses we read in the Bible Study here: The Jubilee 01

Join us for more Jubilee, Wednesdays at 6pm – Union 311.

Today Jesus is the real Jubilee

A story from the Fall 2018 College conference held in Wanship, Utah


The last message of the conference was about the Jubilee. God had delivered the Israelites, His people, from Egypt and from oppression.. At the end of Leviticus God gave them the instruction to observe the year of Jubilee – that was supposed to be every 50th year. The children of Israel each had received a portion of the good land from God. Over time, if some mismanaged their possessions, they might have sold everything they had, even their portion of the land, and possibly even themselves (into slavery). However, on the year of Jubilee, they got to go back to their possessions!

Today Jesus is the real Jubilee–and we are those who have been set free from all slavery that is in the world! When we got saved, Jesus restored us to Himself as our allotted portion and to our family–all the brothers and sisters in the church! We used to live oppressed but now have Jesus and our new family! – Debbie

Spending Personal Time with the Lord

A story from the Fall 2018 College Conference held in Wanship, Utah

Spend-Personal-Time-with-the-Lord-To-Eat-HimThe Bible verses in the College Conference emphasized the importance of eating Christ. For example, John 6:57 says, “As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.” For us to actually experience this, we were sent off to spend personal time with the Lord. During that time, I practiced singing to the Lord, reading His word, praying, and simply learning to spend time with Him, even learning to just communicate with Him.

Another aspect of eating Christ that stood out to me in the conference was that whatever we are surrounded by, that is what we take in to us and that is what we end up expressing. On the one hand, this is quite serious, as we could end up with “Garbage in, garbage out.” On the other hand, if we’re taking Christ in, then we’re expressing Him. – Eli

Who Christ Is – Man – Creator – Firstborn of all Creation


Some new people joined us for this Bible study (come back any time!). All enjoyed presenting aspects of who Christ is. Two aspects that came out strongly were:

  1. Jesus is the Savior, for Jesus means Jehovah the Savior.
  2. Jesus is God Himself, the creator.

In addition to the verse in the picture above, we really enjoyed:

“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall
call His name Jesus, for He shall save His
people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21)

Feel free to get more into this Bible Study through the attached Pdf: Who Christ is 05

Who Christ is – The Life-Giving Spirit


The Bible shows us that in God’s plan there were two crucial steps that Christ went through. In John chapter 1 we see His becoming flesh. In 1 Corinthians chapter 15, a chapter on Christ’s resurrection, we see that He became a life giving Spirit. This is who Christ is today, in His resurrection – He is the Life-giving Spirit.

In order to enjoy this marvelous Life-giving Spirit, for our Bible study, we also sang the following song:

Now Christ is the life-giving Spirit;
Now Christ is the Spirit today.
Now Christ is the life-giving Spirit;
So turn to your spirit and say—
O Lord, Amen,
O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah!
O Lord, Amen,
O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah!

More of the lyrics can be found at:

See the PDF of this Bible Study here: Who Christ is 04

Join us on Wednesdays at 6pm for dinner and more of what Christ is!

Who Christ is – The Word


Christ is the Word. He is the explanation and definition of God. And He is the Word of life, particularly, conveying the eternal life, the very divine person of God.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God.

1 JOHN 1:1 – That which was from the beginning,
which we have heard, which we have seen with
our eyes, which we beheld and our hands
handled, concerning the Word of life

The burden of the Spirit that came forth in this Bible study was that we need to be handling the Word of life. In addition to what we came up with and what is shown in the photo above, here are some more ways that we can handle the Word of life.

  • Share the Word of life
  • Post the Word of life
  • Tweet the Word of life
  • Like the Word of life
  • Pin the Word of life
  • Publish the Word of life
  • Announce the Word of life

Download the Pdf of this Bible Study: Who Christ is 03

Review of 2018 Club Activities


Thank you to all who have been participating in this year’s welcome activities. It has been a joy getting to know the new students. We also praise the Lord Jesus for our getting more built together through these get-togethers!

This year’s welcome activities included the Welcome Dinner, the Gospel Dinner, hiking to Twin Lakes and recreation times at Sunnyside Park.

Let’s keep pursuing Christ together. We still have more activities that you can join:

Bible Studies
Recreation Times

Contact us to participate!

Who Christ is – The Only Begotten and the Firstborn Son of God

Christ-as-the-only-begotten-and-as-the-Firstborn-Son-of-GodThis week we continued with two more aspects of who Christ is. The Bible Study was interactive and enjoyable.  We read verses and worked on diagrams that show these two aspects.

As the only begotten Son of God, Christ gives us the zoe life, the eternal, uncreated life of God.

John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life.

In His resurrection, Christ became the Firstborn Son of God. His resurrection was a birth for Him–and actually, for us too!

Acts 13:33 says, That God has fully fulfilled this promise to us their children in raising up Jesus, as it is also written in the second Psalm, “You are My Son; this day have I begotten You.”

Romans 8:29 says, Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers;

Being the Firstborn implies that there are many more. Those of us who believe into Jesus Christ receive His divine life and become the many brothers of Christ! Hallelujah!

Download the Pdf of the Bible Study here: Who Christ is 02

The Revelation, Appreciation, & Application of Christ as Our Sin Offering

August 31, 2018 Gospel Meeting


Many came together for this gospel meeting on campus. We had a Barbecue dinner, sang a hymn, and heard the good news of Christ as our sin offering.

In order to know, see, and even love the wonderful person of Jesus Christ, we must see that we are sinners. Furthermore, we need to see that Christ died for us as the sin offering, as typified in Leviticus chapter 4 and revealed throughout the Bible. By Believing in what Christ has done for us, our sins are forgiven and we receive His life!

The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! – John 1:29

Him who did not know sin He made sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. – 2 Corinthians 5:21

The gospel message was based on a training outline produced by Living Stream Ministry for the Winter Training of 2017. A link to the outline of the original message is below:

The Revelation, Appreciation, and Application of Christ as Our Sin Offering

Who Christ is – God and the Son of God


This wonderful person, Christ, wants us to know Him. In this Bible Study we read a passage from Colossians 2 and other related verses. We saw that Christ is God and also the Son of God.

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, – Colossians 2:9

This verse (Colossians 2:9) is a true gift to us from God. We can really treasure it, as it shows us that the entire Godhead dwells in Christ and that outside of Christ there is no God.

As an assignment for the week, we presented this open-ended question:

How should we be affected by seeing who Christ is?

Download the pdf of this Bible Study: Who Christ is 01

You can also read last year’s related Bible Study: The Tree of Life – Who is Christ?

2018 Activities List

Below is our 2018 Activities List.

Contact us to participate!

Business Card 01 - Contact Info


Welcome Dinner – Wed, Aug. 22 6-8pm @Union Den
• Hiking Together – Sat, Aug. 25 10am meet @PHC
• Recreation & Meeting New Students – Sun, Aug. 26 5pm
@Sunnyside Park
• Gospel Dinner – Fri, Aug. 31 6pm @West Village Community
Center – come and bring your friends!
• Bible Study (Dinner) – Wednesdays 6pm always @Union Rm
311 (Except on Sep. 5 @Collegiate Rm & Nov. 7 @Union Den)
• College Conferences – with Other Universities
• Club Field Trips