Hidden Life – A Hidden Life

Higher Ground | Day 3



Pray | 2-3 minutes
Open your heart to the Lord. Tell Him
you love Him. Make the verse your

Read | 5 minutes
Prayerfully read the verses and

Write | 5 minutes
Write down what you appreciate or any
questions you have.

Matt. 13:3b, 5-6 – Behold, the sower went out to sow…And [other seed] fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much earth, and immediately they sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun rose, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered.

What is a root? It is growth that occurs beneath the soil. What are the leaves? They are growth that occur above the soil. In other words, roots are the hidden life, whereas leaves are the manifest life. The trouble with many Christians is that, while there is much apparent life, there is very little secret life. In other words, there is the lack of a hidden life. How much of your life is hidden from view? How much is unknown to others? You stress outward works. Yes, good works are important; but apart from that manifest expression of your life, how much of your life remains hidden? If all your spiritual life is exposed, you do not have any root. Are all your virtues before God manifested before man, or is there something more that is unknown to man? If all your experiences are manifested, then all your growth is upward; there is no downward growth. If this is the case, you are a person who has only leaves without root, and you are on shallow ground…May God work in us so that we can take root downward. (Deep Calls unto Deep, pp. 2, 5)

Those who do not have any root before the Lord will be dried up in their life…Nothing can preserve you as much as a hidden life. If you see that a brother has fallen or failed, or has come into trouble, without asking anyone, you can surely say that prior to this trouble he lost his hidden life. He lost his hidden life during the previous weeks, months, or even years. Your spiritual life depends very much on your hidden life before God. If you cannot sustain a hidden life, you will be weak before the Lord. Therefore, you should realize the importance of the hidden life. (CWWN, vol. 11, “The Present Testimony (4),” pp. 834-835)

Hidden Life – A Spiritual Time

Higher Ground | Day 2



Pray | 2-3 minutes
Open your heart to the Lord. Tell Him
you love Him. Make the verse your

Read | 5 minutes
Prayerfully read the verses and

Write | 5 minutes
Write down what you appreciate or any
questions you have.

Eph. 6:17-18 – And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit… 18 By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit…
1 Cor 6:17 – But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.

In verse 18 Paul says specifically that we are to pray in spirit. This refers to our regenerated spirit indwelt by the Spirit of God. It may be considered the mingled spirit-our spirit mingled with God’s Spirit. Whenever we are in our spirit, we are also in the Holy Spirit, for our spirit is one with the Lord. Therefore, Paul’s charge to pray in spirit implies that we must also pray in the Spirit of God, for these two spirits are mingled in us. In prayer, the main faculty we should use is our spirit. If our mind is overactive or if our emotion is not under control [e.g. we are too sad or too excited], we shall find it difficult to pray. When we pray, our mind should be at rest, and our emotion should be regulated, neither too hot nor too cold. According to my experience, I easily become distracted in prayer when my mind is preoccupied with other things. Likewise, when my emotion is not properly regulated, I find it difficult to utter something from my spirit in prayer. Furthermore, if we would pray at every time in spirit, our will must be strong. It may seem that prayer is easy, but actually it is difficult. It is very easy to talk or read, but it is not easy to pray. Hence, in order to pray in spirit, we need to be adjusted in our mind, balanced in our emotion, and exercised in our will. (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 552-553)

Hidden Life – A Private Time

Higher Ground | Day 1


pray | 2-3 minutes
Open your heart to the Lord. Tell Him
you love Him. Make the verse your

Read | 5 minutes
Prayerfully read the verses and

write | 5 minutes
Write down what you appreciate or any
questions you have.

Matt. 14:23 – And after He sent the crowds away, He went up to the mountain privately to pray. And when night fell, He was there alone.
Matt. 6:6 – But you, when you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

We need to see and follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus. He did not remain in the issue of the great miracle that He performed. Instead, He went up to the mountain privately to pray. The word privately is very meaningful. This means He did not let the people
know that He was going to pray. Otherwise, they would have followed Him. He went away from them to be with the Father privately in prayer….We should learn from the Lord’s pattern here by exercising to be with Him on the mountain in prayer. His looking
up to heaven means that He had no trust in Himself. His going up to the mountain means that He wanted to be with the Father in prayer.

To pray with others is good, but often we need to pray by ourselves. When we pray with others, we cannot enjoy the Lord as deeply as when we pray to the Lord privately. Even the Lord Jesus told us that when we pray we should enter into our private room and shut our door and pray to the Father who sees in secret (Matt. 6:6). Then we have the sensation of how intimate He is to us and
how close we are to Him. We have to learn to leave the crowds, our family, our friends, and the saints in the church to go to a higher level on a “high mountain.” We have to go higher, far away from the earthly things on a lower level. We need to get to a higher level, separated from the crowd, to be with the Father privately and secretly to have intimate fellowship with Him. This is the significance of being on the mountain in prayer. (The God-Man Living, pp. 127-128)

Note: The materials we will be using for Morning Revival are adapted from the “Daily Bread” devotional produced by Christian Students at CSU (Fort Collins, CO).

Higher Ground: Intro

21 Days of Exercising our spirit in small groups. Starting Monday May 11, 2020.

Access Daily Morning Revivals Here

 Access the Gospel of Luke Reading Schedule Here

  Access the Higher Ground Audio and Video Here

Key Verses

Matthew 18:20  For where there are two or three gathered into My name, there am I in their midst.

John 13:34  A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

Acts 2:17-18  And it shall be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream things in dreams; And indeed upon My slaves, both men and women, I will pour out of My Spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy.

2 Corinthians 3:18  But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit.

John 4:24  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness.

1 Timothy 4:7-8  and exercise yourself unto godliness. For bodily exercise is profitable for a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the present life and of that which is to come.

Morning Revival Bible Reading Ministry Reading Care in the groups
  • Every day before 8:30 AM
  • Touch the Lord
  • Personally
  • Loving the Lord
  • Posted online every night
  • Gospel of Luke
  • Every day
  • Follow your own schedule
  • or Follow the posted schedule
  • On your own or with group
  • Flexible Schedule
  • New material each week
  • Recommended: Read with group
  • Exercise your spirit together
  • Listen to one another
  • Encourage everyone to participate
  • Share with one another
  • Pray and Sing together

You can also practice having morning revival together in your group. We recommend trying it together twice per week.

For week (1) of the ministry reading, we’ll read:
Basic Elements of the Christian Life Volume 1 – The key to Experiencing Christ – the Human Spirit. Download it here: https://biblesforamerica.org/books/

The week (2) ministry reading is EARLY RISING

The week (3) ministry reading is NUMBERING OUR DAYS

Morning Revival Material

Will be posted here on this site each day. Come back every night to pick it up! We’ll even surprise you with podcasts and videos to help you with your Higher Ground Training!

Note: The material we are using is adapted from the “Daily Bread” devotional produced by Christian Students at CSU (Fort Collins, CO).


pray | 2-3 minutes
Open your heart to the Lord. Tell Him
you love Him. Make the verse your

Read | 5 minutes
Prayerfully read the verses and

write | 5 minutes
Write down what you appreciate or any
questions you have.

Bible Reading Schedule for the gospel of Luke.

Downloadable and Printable: Higher-Ground-Gospel-of-Luke-Reading-Schedule

Luke 1:1 – 1:25

Luke 1:26 – 1:80

Luke 2:1 – 2:39

Luke 2:40 – 3:38

Luke 4:1 – 4:44

Luke 5:1 – 6:38

Luke 6:39 – 7:50

Luke 8:1 – 8:56

Luke 9:1 – 9:62

Luke 10:1 – 10:37

Luke 10:38 – 11:54

Luke 12:1 – 12:59

Luke 13:1 – 14:14

Luke 14:15 – 15:22

Luke 15:23 – 16:31

Luke 17:1 – 18:8

Luke 18:9 – 19:27

Luke 19:28 – 20:44

Luke 20:45 – 22:38

Luke 22:39 – 23:43

Luke 23:44 – 24:53

2019 Fall Break Trip and College Conference Details

2019-fall-break-trip-and-college-conference-mapWe have planned a great trip which includes the following:

  1. 3-night trip through Moab and Glorieta, NM
  2. Camp in Moab, UT and hike in Arches National Park
  3. Pursue Christ with college students from other campuses at the Mountain States College Conference in Glorieta, NM.

We will travel by van. The cost of the conference is $80 and the additional cost for transportation and camping on Thursday night is $30.

Come talk with us about how to register! The deadline to register is Sunday, September 29, 2019

Trip Schedule
Thursday October 10
4 pm Depart Salt Lake City
8 pm Camp in Moab

Friday October 11
AM Breakfast at the Camp in Moab
AM Hike in Arches National Park
Noon Depart Moab
7:30 pm First Meeting of Conference in Glorieta, NM

Saturday October 12
College Conference continues all day

Sunday October 13
9AM Depart Glorieta
9PM Arrive in Salt Lake City

2019 Fall Welcome Activities


  • Welcome Dinner – Wednesday Aug. 21 – 6pm – Union 312
  • Hey guys, mi casa es su casa! – dinner with local Christian families – Friday Aug. 23 – 6pm – Gardner Commons 1770
  • Bible Studies – Wednesdays – 5:30-6:30pm – Union

2019 Arches Spring Break Trip

Christians on Campus took this two-night trip to explore beautiful southern Utah! We explored the town of Moab, Arches National Park, and Canyonlands national park! The natural creation of God allows us to perceive His invisible characteristics– His power, His beauty! God becomes so real to us when we are out exploring nature!


Winter Gospel Outreach on the Campus


At the Peterson Heritage Center

We joined forces with the Full Time Training in Anaheim, CA to go out and spread the good news of Jesus Christ on the University of Utah Campus!


We also met up with our dear visitors from Anaheim up in Park City!

The Body of Christ is in Utah!


Handing out Bibles is a real joy!

We handed out gospel tracts, invitations to Bible studies and plenty of free Bibles!


The Jubilee – The Freedom you get from Enjoying God

Rom 8-2 For the law of the Spirit of Life

In this Bible Study we found that there is a law within us that frees us! To see just how this works, we thought it best to present an excerpt from a very helpful book: The Jubilee, by Witness Lee.

You can read the whole book for free here:
The Jubilee, by Living Stream Ministry

Also, read the PDF of all the verses for this Bible study: The Jubilee 05

Excerpt from The Jubilee, chapter 3:

Our possession is God. We cannot renounce God, saying that we want freedom instead of God,  because without God there is no freedom. Our possession is God, and our freedom comes from our enjoyment of God. When we have our possession and enjoy our possession, the result is that we have freedom.

Announcing the gospel to the poor [in Luke 4] does not refer to preaching the gospel to those who are poor in material things. Otherwise, millionaires, bankers, and presidents would not need the gospel, since they are not poor in material things. The accurate meaning here is that all men, whether rich or poor, honored or despised, need the gospel, and they need to gain God.

Moreover, Luke 4:18 says, “To proclaim release to the captives.” America today is the freest country; no one can wrongly capture anyone here. In reality, however, nearly everyone is a captive. The leaders have been captured, and the people have also been captured. Who captured them? According to Acts 26:18, the Lord told Saul of Tarsus that He would send him to the Gentiles “to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God.” Strictly speaking, we have all been captured by Satan.

Now we must go further to see what sin is. The common definition is that rape, robbery, sorcery, and fornication are sin. Likewise, extravagant eating, drunkenness, sexual indulgence, and gambling are also sin. Similarly, murder and arson are sin; not honoring one’s father and mother is sin; stealing and looting are sin; lying and cheating are sin; and cursing and hating are sin. However, in the intrinsic sense, these are not the real sin. Sin is something intrinsic in man’s being; murder and arson are merely the outward, sinful acts that are carried out and manifested. They may be regarded as the results of sin, but they are not sin itself. What, then, is sin?

In actuality, sin is just Satan. Romans 7 says that sin can dwell in us (v. 20). Normally we say that a table is placed in a house; no one would say that a table dwells in a house. Only living persons can dwell in a house. The fact that sin dwells in us proves that sin is in us as a living person. Romans 7 also says that the sin that dwells in us has killed us (v. 11). A table cannot kill, but sin kills. Before sin kills a person, it oppresses him, forcing him to do what he does not want to do. Sin is a “gangster” who coerces people to do what they do not desire to do. Paul said that he did not want to covet, but the sin that dwelt in him made him unable to control himself. He said that to will to do good was present with him, but to work out the good was not, because someone who was stronger than he was dwelt in him. This one not only overcame him but also killed him. In this way the Bible reveals that sin is Satan.

If we want to be free, if we do not want to commit sin, then we must obtain the Son of God and enjoy Him. The Son of God today is the life-giving Spirit. This life-giving Spirit is the Spirit of life, who is in us as the law of the Spirit of life.

The law of the Spirit of life releases us from the law of sin. We enjoy the freedom of the jubilee not only at the moment we believe in the Lord, but beginning from that day we should enjoy this freedom all our life and for eternity. This freedom comes from our enjoyment of God. He has become our possession for our enjoyment, and when we enjoy Him, we obtain freedom. This is how we have the real freedom and are no longer in bondage. However, if we do not enjoy God sufficiently, we will still be in bondage in many things.

The Jubilee – God Being our Possession


Thank you to Kevin for providing us this wonderful note concerning the jubilee. It is so appropriate for this Bible Study!..

The parable of the prodigal son in the gospel of Luke is an excellent illustration of the jubilee. Man is the vessel of God, and God is the possession and enjoyment of man. The prodigal son selling all his possessions and even himself is like man losing God as his possession and man selling himself to slavery. However, one day the prodigal son returned to his possessions and to his father’s house; that was a jubilee! Today, WE have Christ as OUR real jubilee! He is the one who set us free from our poverty, captivity, blindness and oppression.

“If therefore the son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

When we repent and return to God like the prodigal son, God in Christ becomes the fattened calf for our enjoyment. We can enjoy God as our possession from now unto eternity. When we gain and experience Christ, we are living in the jubilee. Hallelujah! We are living a life full of enjoying the Lord, a life full of joy and praise!

Read all the verses for this Bible Study! Download the PDF here: The Jubilee 04

The Jubilee – An age of Ecstasy for Salvation


Psalm 100-1 Make a Joyful noice to Jehovah

Rejoicing is a central theme of the jubilee. There is always much rejoicing in our Bible Studies. Rather than boring, academic exercises, our Bible Studies are filled with singing, and our singing is filled with rejoicing!

Isaiah 12:3-6 says:
Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing / From the springs of salvation, And you will say in that day, / Give thanks to Jehovah; call upon His name! / Make His deeds known among the peoples; / Remind them that His name is exalted. Sing psalms to Jehovah, for He has done something majestic! / Let it be made known in all the earth! Cry out and give a ringing shout, O inhabitant of Zion, / For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

Read all the verses from this Bible Study here: The Jubilee 03