The Common Faith – Item 5 – Christ Resurrected on the Third Day
Three days after Christ died on the cross, He resurrected from among the dead. This is proof that His death was effective. However, His resurrection also accomplished other things.
The Common Faith – Item 4 – Christ Died for Our Sins
By becoming a man, God accomplished a great thing: He died for our sins. Our sins were like a debt we could not pay. So, Christ came and paid it for us.
Fall 2020 Reading Challenge – 1 & 2 Thessalonians
This fall, we are going to be getting into 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. In these letters, the apostle Paul touches some very serious points which have to do with serving God, how to conduct ourselves, and the Lord’s second coming. In 2nd Thessalonians, the apostle encourages and even corrects the believers in Thessalonica. We hope that everyone will set aside a time each week to read a chapter, either by themselves or with others.
The following is a schedule for our reading this semester:
Week 1: 9/12-9/18: 1 Thess. Chapter 1
Week 2: 9/19-9/25: 1 Thess. Chapter 2
Week 3: 9/26-10/2: 1 Thess. Chapter 3
Week 4: 10/3-10/9: 1 Thess. Chapter 4
Week 5: 10/10-10/16: 1 Thess. Chapter 5
Week 6: 10/17-10/23: 2 Thess. Chapter 1
Week 7: 10/24-10/30: 2 Thess. Chapter 2
Week 8: 10/31-11/6: 2 Thess. Chapter 3
You can also use this link to join a Bible tracker where you’ll be emailed the chapter each week and also check it off!
The Common Faith – Item 3 – God Becoming a Man
The third matter of the common faith is that God Himself became a man (Jesus Christ).
Gospel Meeting: A World in Crisis
This next hour may change your life. It’s all about Jesus Christ.
He is the fountain that never runs dry. When we believe in Him, He comes to live in us and satisfies our deepest thirst. He really does!
For My people have committed two evils: / They have forsaken Me, / The fountain of living waters, / To hew out for themselves cisterns, / Broken cisterns, / Which hold no water. – Jeremiah 2:13
We are pleased to share this good-news-video with you! It comes from the church in Irvine, California. Watch, Open your Heart, and See how Jesus Christ is such a fountain, and how He can be yours, too!
The Common Faith – Item 2 – The Triune God
For this second item of the common faith we come to the Triune God. First, we’ll see that God is one. Then we’ll see that God is Triune.
Looking back at the 2019 North America College Training – Why Post This Now?
In addition to a glorious full week of the college training, there were also 40 days of prayer surrounding this event which laid the tracks for God to bless this generation of college students. Why post this now? Take a look at the last item of prayer from the 40 days:
The lasting impact of this college training, including upon those who did not have the chance to attend.
All 40 items of prayer can be found at the College Training Facebook page (
Looking back at the 2019 North America College Training – Video
The Jubilee!
How many registered for the July 2019, North America College Training?… 2781
Where was it located?… University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
What did Christians on Campus at the University of Utah have to say about this full-week event? Find out in this 3 minute vid.
We firmly believe that the Lord blessed this college training in particular. He answered many of the prayers from the 40 days of prayer surrounding this event. Thank and praise our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our real Jubilee!
The Common Faith – Item 1 – The Bible
For our Bible study on the common faith, the first item we cover is the Bible. The Bible is where we find the word of God and the contents of our faith.
God has Surely Answered Our Prayer
Psa. 90:14 – Satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness that we may give a ringing shout and rejoice all our days.
If Psalm 90:14 is a prayer, then God has surely answered our prayer! I’ve been meeting with a couple of my Christian brothers from Christians on Campus a few times a week just to pray and touch the Lord in the morning. We usually start by seeing how each one is doing. “Hey, how are you today?” Even that is refreshing. Then we each say a little prayer to open our hearts to the Lord. In a nutshell, it’s like saying, “Good morning God, we’re here.”
Then we start reading a few verses and we mingle our reading with prayer, repeating the words in the verses and saying, “Amen”. That makes it like a fun breakfast where we’re passing the delicious dishes back and forth between us. One brother starts, then the others reply, “Amen!” Then another might declare a word or two from the verse, and the others support him. It’s like speaking to one another the words of each verse! And then we might interject, “Wow, thank you Lord!”, or “Jesus, we praise you for __”. I feel like we’re really experiencing Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16.
Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord, – Eph 5:19
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God. – Col 3:16
Sometimes we go for 15 minutes and sometimes for 20 minutes. I really thank God for giving me that time with the brothers, just to take Him in. God has been faithful and satisfying every time. In closing this short testimony, the verse from Lamentations comes to mind:
It is Jehovah’s lovingkindness that we are not consumed, for His compassions do not fail; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. – Lam. 3:22-23.
– Daniel
It Led Me to Want More Fellowship with God
Spending some time in the morning with the brothers has been great. Being able to get knowledge from other people has been very helpful for me in getting to know God better. As good fellowship with others should, it has led me to want to fellowship with God even more.
It’s also been a great way to slow things down. It gives me some time to forget everything else going on and just talk with other people who love Jesus. Overall the experience has been enjoyable.
– Ariel
June Pursuit – The Cycle of Life – Wrap Up
As the month on June has approached its end, so has the June Pursuit ministry series. The following video is a compilation of what the students have enjoyed this month. What is something you enjoyed?
June Pursuit – The Cycle of Life – Blood
In week four of June pursuit, we talk about the blood of Jesus and how His blood cleanses us from all our sin.
“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin.” – 1 John 1:7
In the following video message, we also see how life, fellowship, and blood all relate to loving the Lord’s appearing.
June Pursuit – The Cycle of Life – Light
In week three of June Pursuit we talk about how the Lord Jesus is light to us.
“And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” – 1 John 1:5
Sometimes we may feel like we are in darkness, but when we have God, we have light!